Vamos Valeria!
Anda! Deixa de ser molenga!
Lets Go Valeria! Walk! Stop being such a slowpoke!
As a child these were words that I constantly heard. There were always things to do, people to see and places to be. My slowness slowed my family down and they did not appreciate that. The fact that I constantly stopped to check a little bug doing its thing on the sidewalk or a neighbors well-tended garden was madness to them. When late at night I sat on the porch to watch the sky instead of getting ready to go to sleep or brought a book to bed and feel asleep with it on my chest, nobody understood my ways. Instead I was rushed through things and made to conform to the ways of the fast changing world.
And conform I did, I went from being a dreamer and easy going to planning every single day in the calendar. I couldn’t dare to miss an event, always having things to do, people to see and places to be. Fear of missing out was definitely real to me. I became the same as the adults that rushed me.
As I grow older I see much clearer, the adults around me could have learned a thing or two from slowpoke Valeria. We hardly ever stop to just be and see. We never let time do its thing. We try to rush things into place. Its time to learn that all things develop better with time.